Tuesday, December 02, 2008

War Cabinet, Taino Dreams

What can I tell you? The fact that the Wall Street Journal has called this the "war cabinet" doesn't make me feel very comfortable. I don't understand, am I part of a radical far-left fringe for wondering why someone who is on the board of Chevron or "that one," an ex-CIA director and blowback-creator represent "change?
           So far we got Clintonianism after Clintonianism. We might have well elected Hillary. 

While we're (not) on the subject, I'm kind of irritated by the last two Damien Cave pieces about Puerto Rico. They kind of reek of this being a "downtime" thing for Cave, who has spent a lot of time covering Iraq. He's a nice writer, but his superficial analysis of Puerto Rican politics really are a disservice, and this last one about Taino "syncretism" is also lackluster. 
                When Cave quotes archaeologist Miguel Rodriguez Lopez saying "There is a feeling that [Taino culture] represents our primary roots" without any balancing statement about Puerto Ricans' African roots, and then references Brazilian carnaval without mentioning its African origins, the piece becomes a farce. 
                  I'm not against identifying with Taino per se. Some kind of Afro-Taino mix is certainly central to puertorriqueñidad. And I'm all for embracing our Spanish roots, most of which are Moro/arabe/judío, and sometimes I think when I go way back in my gene pool I must have had some roots on the Catalán waterfront. But let's not get into over-simplified "home-coming queen, Halloween, 'Last of the Mohicans' and Las Vegas showgirl syncretism."

Also, curious about why Plaxico Burress was so driven to go to LQ's "Latin night." 


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