Monday, September 29, 2008

Link to the Right Wing From NY Times

I understand that The New York Times opinion pages give plenty of space to right-moderate voices, but their currently featured post on "The Bilingual Debate" is pretty noxious. A thinly disguised Latino- and immigrant-baiter, Lance T. Izumi attacks Obama for saying that instead of worrying about English-only legislation, Americans should make sure their children can speak Spanish. 
        Let's let alone the fact that this reference has nothing to do with the touted success of Izumi's prized charter school, Sixth Street Prep in Los Angeles, where "full immersion" has a shockingly swift payoff. Izumi quotes the school's principal as saying "We've had tremendous success with having a student who is brand new from Mexico and would walk into a classroom 12 months later and you wouldn't be able to pick out which one he was." It's the old Invisible Mexican Trick.
           Izumi's post is another example of how right-wing crankery gets legitimized by seemingly academically responsible think tanks, in this case the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy. A casual perusal of that website puts you in contact with names like George Will, Michael Medved, Sally Pipes, and even our old friend Margaret Thatcher. And check this hyperlink that Izumi's post gives to source Obama's aforementioned traitorous quote. It points to a blogger who refers to herself as Sister Toldjah. From there, you can move on to this hilarious video of Upper West Side New Yorkers, some who must be New York Times staffers, giving the finger to a small group of pro-McCain-Palin marchers. Talk about coming full circle.