Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Worst of Times, Worst of Times

The street is filled with the SAMO I remember
The B train comes because you were waiting for the D
And the gray-black constant clatter
Is like spilled brain matter

January, the cruelest month, bleeding
Twelve marines dead, two missing, one man, one woman, one 31-year-old Puerto Rican Colon dead in training accident name like a million Colons you've ever heard, some distant cousin of Willie or any old Colon from the South Bronx, St. Mary’s Church, Amazing Grace, Channel 7, Eyewitness News, with more of the same, after the game, updates late Colon still dead, cost estimate human remains pouches emptied coffin, steps of Saint Mary's Church, Willie Colon, training accidents, short war, it will be short, it won't take long, air superiority, oil spills, dead seagulls, madman, more dead Colons, captured troops paraded in violation of Geneva Convention, look beat up, obviously coerced statements, the masks, the masks, the people of Iraq, considered peaceful, want democracy, are not against our way of life, or maybe some of them are, the terrorists striking at anything, the roof of the mosque, not Sunnis, the root of more dead Colons, tracer fire, gas masks, bleeding

The blogosphere remains blogged into itself posting pictures
Men in hoods, testicles cloaked in the electrical
It’s eclectic
Mixing together death and destruction
Theocracy and democracy

Changing remaining the same
Changing remaining the same