When in Doubt, Racialize

Interesting how yesterday Frank Rich proclaims that race is not as big an issue in the campaign as the fact that John McCain is far from a solid candidate, then winds up talking about race for several paragraphs. It seems you can't utter two consecutive sentences in print or anywhere in the blogosphere without race coming up. Check out this incredible report from the floor of the Value Voters Summit held by the Family Research Council in Washington last week. [Here's a partial speakers list for that event: Bill Bennett, Tom DeLay, Lou Dobbs, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Phyllis Schlafly, Mitt Romney.] It's amazing how these supposedly pro-life, pro-Christian "activists" can allow these two Neanderthals sell this racist cereal box at their "summit" and let them get away with saying it's satire.
I guess you could say it's like putting lipstick on a pig.