Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain on Spain Is Mainly Insane

For those of you worried about McCain's recent surge in the polls, worry no longer. Remember when he had to be corrected by loyal Democrat Joe Lieberman about the difference between the Sunnis and the Shia in Iraq? Well, as you've no doubt heard by now, the Arizona Senator (you know, the one who wouldn't support making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a holiday in his home state) apparently doesn't know that Spain is in Europe, not Latin America. The Spanish press, I guess tongue in cachete interpreted his remarks as an unexplained elusiveness about his desire to meet with the Spanish prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. My gut feeling is that, upon hearing the name Zapatero, his 72-year-old brain accessed the neurons that stored his memories of the Zapatistas, which led him to Latin America, and that set up the typically Republican bifurcation between "pro-neoliberal" "friends" and "Marxist" enemies. 
           Here's what Obama should do in the debates: Ask McCain if he would meet with Cristian Castro to acknowledge a new movement toward religious freedom in Cuba. That would get him a little perplexed.


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