Thursday, August 14, 2008

Minority Majority

So it turns out that the minority will be the majority in the US of A even faster than previously thought. Now, if we can only make it to 2042, which could be right on schedule for the summer release of Tropic Thunder 10. Speaking of that devil, isn't it extraordinary how there is absolutely no serious discussion of Robert Downey's blackface role? Talk about the end of history. You have Manohla talking Jewface here, a guide to appreciating the "genuine humor and satiric intent underneath the unerring waves of bad taste and political incorrectness" there. How about the immortal David Edelstein in New York Ragazine proclaiming that Robert Downey, Jr. "makes a damn fine Negro." If he do say so himself.
          The only reason I even looked at New York was its cover subject, and about the only thing worth looking at there was this brilliant essay by Patricia Williams. And maybe the amazing photo of Obama's mama at his wedding to the fabulous Michelle.  

This is the picture that tells us more about the future of America than people like Jerome R. Corsi can bear to imagine. Corsi's new book represents yet another wave of paranoid ravings designed to keep the McCain-Obama race inexplicably close. Which it continues to be, for obvious reasons. Yep, it seems, "Obama has some problems, particularly with white voters." At the top of this Politico pundit's "seven worrisome signs for Obama" is, of course, race.

Not surprising, you think? It's not only a Republican problem. Those recently revealed internal memos from the Hillary campaign yielded this quote from Clinton strategist Mark Penn about Obama's race vulnerability:

All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared towards showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting that in a new light. Save it for 2050.

Or, at least, 2042.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the speaking out about the Robert Downey Jr in Black Face issue. Everyday I walk past this HUGE poster of him in the Tropic Thunder ad and cringe because no one in the media has said ANYTHING about it!

1:15 PM  

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