I'd Rather Be Rather

I know I'm a little late on this, but the skewering of Dan Rather last week was really an incredible display of neo-fascism. I've never really been a big fan of his, and he has had this penchant for strangeness, but what can explain the corporate media beating down of someone who dared to expose Abu Grahib? Stuff like he was too in love with the idea that he was a real reporter and sure, he made a slightly pathetic display of the desire to return to the street beat, but isn't this to be expected of an anchorman of prinicple? If you check out Rather's biographical information, you'll see that the guy was way too regular for the Ivy League gaggle that run the elite media and he didn't want to shrink away from that. How courageous was it for this man, whatever his narcissistic limitations (the ability to be a successful tv anchorman implies at least a dose of narcissism), to be his own Texas self? I'd rather be Rather than those insects who call the shots upstairs. This so-called scandal over his attempt to use (knowingly or not) flimsy evidence to at least get people skeptical about Bush is transparent and inconsequential. Does Karl Rove really have this much power?
It's really mind-boggling what's going on these days. The drilling in Alaska, the stupid steroid hearings, the Wolfowitz thing, the Bolton thing, the Negroponte thing, the social security thing. The deficit. The Italian secret service guy getting shot in Iraq. The deserters. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/18/national/18soldiers.html?
I'm not sure how much longer this can go on without a major upheaval. Or maybe I'm dreaming.
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