Monday, October 04, 2004

Debating Deconstruction

Kerry in Command

I didn't think it was going to be this easy, really. I mean he's like Herman Munster with the Massachusetts liberal baggage, the $200 Prada flip-flops and Skull and Bones in the closet. But it just goes to show you, anyone with brains in even the most remote parts of their ass can make Bush look like a complete dope.

Nobody is going to follow somebody who doesn't believe we can succeed and somebody who says the war where are is a mistake. I know how these people think. I meet with them all the time. I talk to Tony Blair all the time. I talk to Silvio Berlusconi. They're not going to follow an American president who says follow me into a mistake.

Here's one of my favorite mistakes; Bush on Kerry:

Uh, let me see where to start here. First, the National Journal named Senator Kennedy the most liberal senator of all. And that's saying something in that bunch. You might say that took a lot of hard work.

Yet more blithering nonsense about the environment:

Off-road diesel engines - we have reached an agreement to reduce pollution from off-road diesel engines by 90 percent. I've got a plan to increase the wetlands by three million. We've got an aggressive brown-field program to refurbish inner-city sore spots to useful pieces of property.

Of Derrida-logy

The big mistake he made was declaring the end of modernism when it wasn't really over yet. The big mistake western philosophy makes in general is ignoring the third world. Which makes Derrida's crime even greater, since he was actually born in Algeria, which experienced the worst post-colonial transition of the entire post-colonial era. Godard was quick to seize on Algeria as the crux of France's colonial problem. But you know what happened to him.

I watched that 2002 film they made about Mr. Deconstruction, and it was mainly interesting because there are very few films made about philosophers. He had game, no doubt, but in the end, there was something extremely cold about him. I won't even bring up the De Man fiasco, and the fact that Yale was central in giving him any kind of credibility on this side of the pond. I always liked Fred Jameson better. The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, he talked about. Had a ring to it. Gave me a ride once from USC to East Hollywood. He wore a beat-up brown leather jacket and lacked pretension.

Yeah and my mind drifts back t0 Alphaville, and Lemmy Caution, and the price of modernity we haven't stopped paying yet.

Un femme est un femme.


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